“Listen”…that is the word that was being whispered into my ear while sitting in church with my family one typical Sunday morning about seven years ago. Of course I felt this was just me, talking to myself in my head, and I just let it be. As time went on, I continued to hear this whisper, such a gentle whisper it was. It began to get a little louder as time passed, yet still gentle. One Sunday morning, again while sitting with my family at church, this gentle whisper turned into a shout, “LISTEN!” It was at this very moment that I felt this jolt, I sat up in the pew, and I started to really listen. Our Deacon was giving an announcement about the Healing Ministry that our church offers, about coming to a community offering from the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry that next Saturday morning. I then heard, “Go and talk to her about becoming involved with this healing ministry”…so, I did and it felt so right! I began rambling on a mile a minute about how to become involved…she touched my arm and told me that I first needed to experience a healing session for myself to really know what this was all about.
That Saturday, my dear friend and I went to the community offering of healing touch. We had no idea what to expect...we had so many questions running through our minds. “What will we have to do during the healing? Will we need to take off our clothes, like for a massage? What will this feel like? Is all of this healing stuff real?” These are just some of the questions we had, and we were quite nervous. It was interesting though, the nervousness was not the normal butterflies and shaky hands that I tended to experience when trying something new. It was more of a wondering...a feeling of craving the experience. We each had our own private before session consultation with a practitioner, in which they explained Healing Touch as an energy therapy to help balance and align the body’s energy system. She asked me if I had any physical aches and pains and anything emotional or spiritual that I wanted to share. I wasn’t sure what to say, other than that my shoulder had some pain that I had been dealing with for a while. I was told that they, as the healing practitioners, would be guided through my session by the Divine love and light of God, to lightly place their hands on me or slightly above my body to encourage whatever healing that was supposed to take place for me in that moment in time. As the practitioner laid her hands gently on me, I felt the comforting warmth seeping into every cell…the touch was so light, but the feeling was so powerful! There were times in which I felt as though a fan of warm air was blowing on my head, and it seemed like the lights were flickering, that I was seeing through my closed eyes. All of the sudden, I felt as though I was floating, like I slowly lifted off the healing table, in the most peaceful way. At this point I just had to peek to see if lights were flashing and if there was a fan or a vent somewhere…I saw just a lovely soul standing next to me in a perfectly quiet and dimly lit room, with her hands supporting my shoulder. I closed my eyes again and just let it all happen without question. I wanted this feeling to last forever! When it came to an end, the healer shared with me what she had felt, and gave me a chance to share my experience. I felt so good…I had this overwhelming feeling of peacefulness and my shoulder pain was gone. My friend’s session had ended as well, and Let’s just say that we both had the most amazingly powerful experiences in our lives…and no, we didn’t need to take off our clothes!!
The feeling of deep relaxation and peacefulness stayed with me for a long time, and I felt this sense of balance and sturdiness that I had never felt before. I could feel this immense love just filling me up. My life had changed, a full shift, and I knew that I was being Called to give others the Gift of God’s healing. I was being Called to learn the healing techniques so that others could experience the power of Divine healing. What a Blessing to have received those whispers seven years ago…to Listen, and I’m so glad I did!
I have currently completed Advanced Practitioner training and hold national certification through the Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry program. I am a member of the Healing Touch Professional Association and continue to seek opportunities to share my gift of healing with my family, friends and community.
Children and adults of all ages are welcome to experience the benefits of
this compassionate energy therapy of Healing Touch. I encourage you to join me at Intuitive 2 Healing Touch to begin your personal healing journey!